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The Purple Hairpin

中国电... ... 危楼春晓 In the Face of Demolition (难求) 紫钗记 The Purple Hairpin (难求) 豪门夜宴 Feast of a Rich Family ...

Thelegend of purple hairpin

李蜃 出演的影片列表 ... 省港大追击 Manhunt across the border 紫钗记 Thelegend of purple hairpin 富贵神仙 The fairy ...

The Legend Of The Purple Hairpin

... 再世红梅记( Zai Shi Hong Mei Ji (AQCD) 紫钗记( The Legend Of The Purple Hairpin (AQCD) 为情颠倒( Wei Qing Dian Dao) ...

The Opera of Zhicha

《紫钗记》,Zichaiji,在线英语词典,英文翻译,专... ... ) Zichaiji 《紫钗记》 ) The Opera of Zhicha 紫钗记 ) violet 紫 ...

chinese opera

任剑辉 白雪仙 -《紫钗记》(chinese opera)任剑辉、白雪仙 之 紫钗记 [MP3] 红线女 -《昭君出塞-红线女唱腔艺术精选》中唱广 …


紫钗记 (AQCD) (The Legend Of The Purple Hairpin (AQCD)) 歌手: 任剑辉 白雪仙 梁醒波 帝女花 全剧 (24K Gold) (4CD) - 任白 …

Pamela Gentile

一位母亲和女儿在看经典粤剧《紫钗记》(图/Pamela Gentile)
