
  • na.have better troops and simpler administration
  • 网络streamlined administration; Simple form, lean staff; cut out dead wood



streamlined administration

... select and promote 简拔 and simpler administration;streamlined administration 精兵简政 1.(使简单; 简化) simplify: ...

have better troops and simpler administration

优秀... ... 成语 实事求是 a factual and realistic work style 成语 精兵简政 have better troops and simpler administration ...

Simple form, lean staff

...优势,避免在 自己力所不能及的领域与人竞争; • 精兵简政(Simple form, lean staff): 具备管理层级简洁,系统高效简单的特 …

cut out dead wood

wood是什么意思... ... cut out dead wood 去掉多余的东西,精简机构,精兵简政 dead wood 枯木,朽木;无用的东西,障碍,累赘 ...

have better troops and a simpler administration

... Can you put it in simpler English? 你能用更简单的英语说吗? have better troops and a simpler administration 精兵简政 ...


精兵简政】(obsoleting)〖想云就云〗,不换模式,不限输入法 强制非云 [new] 完善 内码输入 universal imode 中文数字量词 …
