
  • n.final acceptance
  • 网络completion acceptance; check and accept; completed acceptance



final acceptance

汉译英水利专业词汇翻译_在线英语词典 ... 阶段验收 stage acceptance 竣工验收 final acceptance 试运行 test run ...

completion acceptance

工程造价英语 - 豆丁网 ... completed project 竣工项目 completion acceptance 竣工验收 completion bond 完工保证书 ...

check and accept

工程具备竣工验收check and accept)条件,承包方按国家和本市工程竣工有关规定,向发包方提供完整竣工资料和竣工验收 …

completed acceptance

... 2. 0. 9 静态 at-rest 2. 0. 11 竣工验收 completed acceptance 2. 0. 12 综合性能评定 comprehensive performance judgment ...

final acceptance of construction

希高翻译-石油化工词汇中英对照F二 ... fi 完结 final acceptance of construction 竣工验收 final acceptance 最后验收 ...

assessment and acceptance of completed project

中国气象... ... 竣工验收 assessment and acceptance of completed project 气象建设项目 meteorological construction project ...

inspection upon completion

合同法律专业... ... 结算 settlement of account 竣工验收 inspection upon completion 质量保修范围 scope of quality warranty ...
