
  • na.a type of traditional Chinese novel with each chapter headed by a couplet giving the gist of its content
  • 网络Novel; chapter book; chapters novel




章回小说Novel) 天方夜谭(One Thousand and One Nights) 诗(Poetry) Classical music Christianity Catholicism 生物 …

chapter book

...,以五年级学生为例,在同一个班级里,有能够独自阅读章回小说chapter book)的学生,也有无法默写出26个字母大小写 …

chapters novel

章回体小说,Traditional... ... ) actual mining 按章回采 ) chapters novel 章回小说 ) chapter arrangement 章回体制 ...

Traditional Chinese novels

汉英对照文学翻译词目... ... 【章回小说Traditional Chinese novels 【《朝华夕拾》】 Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk ...

The Traditional Chinese Fiction

... 中华文学选刊 Selected Works of Chinese Literature 章回小说 The Traditional Chinese Fiction 作家杂志 Writer Magazine ...

The Traditional Chinaese Fiction

Application... ... 中国脑血管病杂志 Chinese Journal of Cenebrovascular Diseases 章回小说 The Traditional Chinaese Fiction ...

roman aepisode

阿城在信中向西方证实,他不采纳传奇故事式的形式,他清楚地将此形式区别于传统的中国小说:章回小说roman aepisode
