
  • na.foundation underlying all our efforts to build the country
  • 网络the foundation underlying all efforts to build the country; the foundation to build the country; The very foundation for building our country



the foundation underlying all efforts to build the country

阿丽斯的秘密书柜... ... 立国之本 the foundation underlying all efforts to build the country 利好因素 wrinkle ...

the foundation to build the country

《高级口译... ... 生存权 subsistence right 立国之本 the foundation to build the country 不懈努力 make unremitting endeavor ...

The very foundation for building our country

十七大重要词汇 ... 立国之本 The very foundation for building our country 本质属性 An essential attribute of ...

the proper of the country

proper... ... proper pride n. 自尊心 the proper of the country 立国之本 in the proper sense adv. 在本来意义上 ...

Founding Principles

笔者认为,美国的联邦不是完美的,但是产生联邦的美国立国之本(Founding Principles)是伟大的。奥巴马全身心秉持美国改革 …

fundamental precepts for governing country

视教育为立国之本,regardin... ... ) fundamental precepts for governing country 立国之本 ) foundation of education 教育之本 ...
