
  • 网络to make progress while ensuring stability; make progress while maintaining stability; WESTBANK make progress while ensuring stability



to make progress while ensuring stability

... 稳健的银行系统 a sound banking system 稳中求进 to make progress while ensuring stability 物价监测 price monitoring ...

make progress while maintaining stability

2012政府工作报告词汇摘编中英版_巴罗小猫... ... 稳中求进 Make progress while maintaining stability 广义货币 Broad money ...

WESTBANK make progress while ensuring stability

爱思英语论坛 -... ... 稳中求进 WESTBANK make progress while ensuring stability 无纸交易 WESTBANK book-entry transactio…

progress beyond stability

Issue No. 81--Glossary of Anti... ... 量力而行 act within the limits of resources 稳中求进 progress beyond stability ...


稳中求发展,deve... ... ) make steady innovation 稳中求新 ) stable-yet-progressive 稳中求进 ) Make haste slowly. 稳中求快。 ...

Progress with stability

稳中求进 (Progress with stability)
