
  • 网络tax incentives; tax preference; Preferential tax policies



tax incentives

在大马经济转型计划里,政府有提及将提供一项税收优惠政策tax incentives)估计高达RM 84 万令吉给外资并购 (foreign acq…

tax preference

...大税基乃是取消包括大范围减税、免税和抵税在内的多种税收优惠政策tax preference)的简称。

Preferential tax policies

青青子矜妙语... ... 税费改革 Reform of taxes and charges 税收优惠政策 Preferential tax policies 顺便提 Mention in passing ...

preferential tax policy.

优惠政策_CNKI学问 ... 税收优惠政策 preferential tax policy... ...

system of tax preference

什么意思_英语system... ... system of tax preference 税收优惠政策 Imperial preference system [贸易] 帝国特惠制 ...

taxation preference policy

增值税优惠政策,preferential... ... ) tax preference policy 税收优惠政策 ) taxation preference policy 税收优惠政策 ...

working families tax credit

...,双职工家庭的父母每周工作时间超过16小时即可享受税收优惠政策(working families tax credit);贫困家庭和享受福利的单 …
