
  • 网络rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation; national rejuvenation through science and education; rejuvenate our country through science and education



rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation

英语翻译大... ... 科技含量 technology content 科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation 卡丁车 kart ...

national rejuvenation through science and education

... cause into the future),“科教兴国”(national rejuvenation through science and education)等则是顺应并符合现今时代发展潮流...

rejuvenate our country through science and education

国庆节相关... ... 社会主义好 Socialism is good 科教兴国 Rejuvenate our country through science and education 牡丹花 Peony ...

rejuvenate our country through secience and education

... 科教片 science education film 科教兴国 rejuvenate our country through secience and education 克扣 dock wages ...

revitalize China through science and education

社会必备词汇和缩写 -... ... 科教兴国 revitalize China through science and education 农业技术 agricultural technology ...

to invigorate the country through science and education

科 -... ... 科教兴国 科教兴国 to invigorate the country through science and education 科举 科举 imperial examination ...

develop the country through science and education

英语词汇... ... 1. 软着陆 soft landing 4. 科教兴国 develop the country through science and education 5. 门户网站 portals ...

rejuvenate China through science and education

英语巴士论坛 ... 社会主义市场经济 a socialist market economy 科教兴国 rejuvenate China through science and education ...
