
  • 网络Shark's fin soup; A bowl of broth with shark fins; Imitation Shark's Fin Soup



Shark's fin soup

student learning portfoilo ... 肉茸粟米汤 minced pork and sweet corn soup 碗仔翅 shark's fin soup 意大利薄饼 quick pizza ...

A bowl of broth with shark fins

碗仔翅、烧卖... ... 珍珠鸡/糥米鸡 Pearl Chicken/ Lotus Leaf Rice 碗仔翅A bowl of broth with shark fins ) 烧卖( Shao mai…

Imitation Shark's Fin Soup

More Than Bread:... ... Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣汤 Imitation Shark's Fin Soup 碗仔翅 Chinese Scallion Pancake 葱油饼 ...

The bowl has son's wing

以下既甜品,... ... 炸萝卜丝饼= Fry the turnip cake 碗仔翅= The bowl has son's wing 沙爹串烧= The sand father burns bunch ...

Shark fin soup

... Top Wok:Curry fish balls 咖哩鱼蛋 Top Wok:Shark fin soup 碗仔翅 Happy Happy Thai:Thai chicken satay 泰国鸡肉沙爹 ...

Vegetarian Shark-fin Soup

shark... ... Shark S Fin Gifts : 鱼翅礼品 Vegetarian Shark-fin Soup碗仔翅 shark-fin hydrophone : 敛形水听器 ...

Bowl young wing

十万火急!!!香港特色食物的英文! - Yahoo!知识+ ... 鱿鱼蛋= Squid egg 碗仔翅= Bowl young wing 鱼肉烧卖= Fish flesh sh…

fake sparks fin soup

简单英文功课 - Yahoo!知识+ ... - 麦芽糖 fish meat shaomat - 碗仔翅 fake sparks fin soup - 臭豆腐 smelly to-fu ...
