
  • 网络rate of solved criminal cases; detection rate; clear-up rate



rate of solved criminal cases

社会发展常用语 ... 恶性犯罪 major crimes 破案率 rate of solved criminal cases 戒毒所 drug rehabilitation center ...

detection rate

什么意思_英语detection在线翻译... ... signal detection 信号检测 detection rate [法]破案率 automatic detection 自动检测 ...

clear-up rate

emerge的意思 中文翻译 ... The truth emerged at the inquest. 真相在询问中显露 clear-up rate 破案率 clearage 开垦地 ...

detection rate of crime

什么意思_英语detection_rate在线翻译... ... detection rate of crime 破案率 Breakout detection rate 漏钢预报率 ...

Resolution rate

至于「破案率」(Resolution rate)仍然与往年相差不多,大约是在47%左右。根据代理警长Viv Rickard的说法,这是近24年以 …

Detection rate random crime road surveillance recording system

... 颜庆义 Ching-Yi Yen 破案率 随机犯罪 道路监视录影系统 Detection rate random crime road surveillance recording system ...
