
  • 网络Governor Vessel; the du channel; the Du meridian



Governor Vessel

Acupoints - TCM Wiki ... Conception Vessel 任脉 Governor Vessel 督脉 Thoroughfare Vessel 冲脉 ...

the du channel

中医药文体的英译 - Apollo的日志 - 网易博客 ... 印堂 yentang 督脉 the du channel 命门 mingmen ...

the Du meridian

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 石竹 the Chinese pink 督脉 the Du meridian 八卦 the Eight Diagrams ...

Du Channel

Convert Channel_翻译 ... 流道: Extrusion channel 督脉Du channel 埋沟: buried-channel ...

governor meridian

心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... government 支配关系 governor meridian 督脉 Gowers syndrome 高尔综合症 ...

the Governing Channel

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 督脉 the Governing Channel 天干地支 the Heavely Stems and Earthy Bra…

the conception vessel

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 督脉 the conception vessel 肾的先天之精气 the congenital essence qi of the kidney ...
