
  • 网络perforating injury of eyeball; penetrating injury; penetration injuries of eyeball



perforating injury of eyeball

...、处理原则 03 04 护理诊断 护理措施 05 眼球穿通伤 (perforating injury of eyeball ) ?定义:金属碎片、刀、针、剪等锐器穿透 …

penetrating injury

...eration ) 眼球穿通伤( injury) 眼球穿通伤penetrating injury) 眼内异物( body) 眼内异物(intraocular foreign body) …

penetration injuries of eyeball

眼科词汇汉... ... 眼内异物 intraocular foreign bodies 眼球穿通伤 penetration injuries of eyeball 眼球筋膜 Tenon's capsule ...

Penetrating wound of eyeball

道路交... ... 视神经损伤[ Visual neurotrauma ] 眼球穿通伤[ Penetrating wound of eyeball ] 眼球破裂[ Ophthalmorrhexis ] ...

perforating wounds of the eyeball

破裂者谓眼球穿通伤perforating wounds of the eyeball)。由前部刺入贯穿整个眼球而由后方穿出的双穿通伤称为眼球贯穿伤…

ocular perforating wound

眼科词汇 ... intraocular foreign body 球内异物 ocular perforating wound 眼球穿通伤 sympathetic ophthalmia 交感性眼炎 ...

Eyeball perforating injury

穿通伤,penetrating... ... ) corneal penetrating wound 角膜穿通伤 ) Eyeball perforating injury 眼球穿通伤 ...
