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White Crane Spreads Its Wings

杨家乐氏太极拳中英文每日一帖 ... Raise hands 提手上势 White crane spreads its wings 白鹤亮翅 Preparation 预备式 ...

White Crane Spreads Wings

传统吴氏... ... 21. Slant Flying Posture 斜飞势 23. White Crane Spreads Wings 白鹤亮翅 24. Brush Knee Push Step 搂膝拗步 ...

the White Crane Spreads Its Wings

24式简化太极拳拳谱... ... Commencing form 起势 The white crane spreads its wings 白鹤亮翅 Hand strums the lute 手挥琵琶 ...

White crane shows its wings

武当张三... ... 3) 拦扎衣 Hold someone back and tie your clothes 4) 白鹤亮翅 White crane shows its wings 5) 单鞭 One whip ...

White crane spreading the wings

... 4. 金童开帘 Boy opening up curtain 5. 白鹤亮翅 White crane spreading the wings 9. 将军亮剑 General baning the sword ...

White crane flashes its wings

... 24、收势 Closing movement 3、白鹤亮翅 White crane flashes its wings 4、左右搂膝拗步 Brush knee and press on both sid…

White crane's wings

我研究太极拳的一些手稿-1_应昊_新浪博客 ... 22.Sudden back turn 闪通背 23.White crane's wings 白鹤亮翅 25.Cloud hands …

White crane spreads the wings

Ken's Korner... ... 野马分鬃 Wild Horse spreads the mane 白鹤亮翅 White crane spreads the wings 手挥琵琶 Strum the lute ...
