
  • na.die of an illness
  • 网络decease; die of disease; die of illness



die of an illness

Chinese Scholar - Dictionary ... 病夫/ sick man / 病故/ die of an illness / 病理/ pathology / ...


病,病字的解释,查字典 ... 病夫[ sick people] 病故[ die of disease;decease] 病国殃民[ injure both the state and the people] ...

die of disease

病,病字的解释,查字典 ... 病夫[ sick people] 病故[ die of disease;decease] 病国殃民[ injure both the state and the people] ...

die of illness

故... ... pass away 亡故 die of illness 病故 I was held up on the way and so I was late. 途中遇事耽搁,故未能按期到达。 ...

succumb to an illness

"succumb"怎么说合适-翻译"succumb"-可可查词 ... succumb to exhaustion 屈服于疲劳,对疲惫屈从; succumb to an illness

death from illness

illness什么意思及同义词... ... dangerous illness 险症 death from illness 病故 environmental illness 环境疾病 ...

died of the disease

DD是... ... [=diaphyseal dysplasia] 骨干发育不良 [=died of the disease] 病故,死于此病 [=differential diagnosis] 鉴别诊断 ...


Name=UC五笔MaxCodes=4 MaxElement=1 ...... ... 闩 ugd 病故 ugdt 美 ugdu ...
