
  • 网络Contact me by telephone; Telephone contact; Keeping in Touch



Contact me by telephone

BEC经典900句 401-420_新东方在线 ... 411 Hello,This is operator. 喂!我是接线员。 402 Contact me by telephone. 电话联系

Telephone contact

家具销售基本英语,急 ... ... 定金? The deposit? 电话联系? Telephone contact? 发货运部还是装车? Hair transport or loading? ...

Keeping in Touch

4+1句型针对... ... UNIT 5 Talking about My Family 拉家常 UNIT 6 Keeping in Touch 电话联系 UNIT 7 Making Appointments …


4、通过电话联系cold-call),数据库, 智联,中华英才网等网站筛选简历以及其他渠道寻访候选人,直接与目标人选联系进行职 …

telephone connection

消防专业英语词汇表 ... telephone call 电话报警 telephone connection 电话联系 telephone directory 电话簿 ...

Contact Information

新浪教育_新浪网 ... 129. 办公室恋情 Office Romance 130. 电话联系 Contact Information 131. 上班迟到 Late to work ...


│行政院劳委会职训局 -... ... Meeting People 寒暄问候 Telephoning 电话联系 Schedules and appointments 约会行程安排 ...

Making and Receiving Phone Cals

《星火英语:英语闯... ... Unit 5 Getting to Know New Colleagues 初见新同事 Unit 6 Making and Receiving Phone Cals 电话联
