
  • 网络The phone is busy; The line is busy; The telephone line is busy



The phone is busy

口口声声·商务英语... ... 3 The line is busy. 占线。 4 The phone is busy. 电话占线。 5 The wire has got crossed. 电话串线了。 ...

The line is busy

高考英语听力习语必备 ... take over 代替 the line is busy 电话占线 the more,the better 越多越好 ...

The telephone line is busy

李阳疯狂英语国际音标_落影随风_新浪博客 ... Object 反对;抗议 Ø The telephone line is busy. 电话占线。 ...


流行英语... ... line is busy/engaged. (对方)电话占线。89. Sorry to disturb/call you so late. 抱歉,这么晚了还打扰你(们)。…

The number is busy now

情景例句100句(电话篇)_长青阁_百度空间 ... I would like to speak to Kitty. 我想找基蒂 。 The number is busy now电话

The line is engaged

如何用英... ... Your number, please. 请说你的电话号码。 The line is engaged. 电话占线。 I‘ll put you through. 我给你转过去 …

The line was busy

怎样应答商务电话(5)-英语点津 ... OK. 好的。 ) The line was busy. 电话占线。 ) I got the busy signals. 电话占线。 ...

The line is in use

in use是什么意思_in use的翻译... ... The line is in use. 电话占线。 Plastic is in widespread use. 塑料已被广泛地使用。 ...
