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Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus

你的专业用英语怎么说。 ... 电气工程 Electrical Engineering 电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus ...

Electrical Machines and Apparatus

电机与电器(Electrical Machines and Apparatus)高电压技术与绝缘(High Voltage Tech. and Insulations)电力电子与电气传动(Po…

Electrical Machinery and Apparatus

国民油井... ... ? 电机与电器 Electrical Machinery and Apparatus ? 电力系统及其自动化 Electric Power System and Automation ...

Electrical Engine and Appliance

中国矿业大学--... ... 电机与电器 Electrical Engine and Appliance 电力系统与自动化 Power System and Automation ...

or Electrical Engine and Appliance

科研成... ... 电机与电器 or Electrical Engine and Appliance 概率论与数理统计 probability theory & mathematical statistics ...

Electric Machines & Electric Apparatus

Jiangsu... ... 电气工程 Electric Engineering 电机与电器 Electric Machines & Electric Apparatus 工学 Engineering ...

Motor & Electric

电力电子-东南大学电气工程学院 ... 专业建设 Specialty 电机与电器 Motor & Electric 电力系统 Power System ...

Generator & Appliance

Graduate School of Tianjin University-... ... 化工学院 School of Chemical Engineering 电机与电器 Generator & Appliance ...
