
  • 网络isthmus of thyroid; isthmus of thyroid gland; the isthmus of the thyroid



isthmus of thyroid

英语语言词典 # 翻译 ... ... 甲状腺峡 glandulae thyreoideae isthmus;isthmus of thyroid 甲状腺 thyroid ...

isthmus of thyroid gland

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专... ... 前列腺峡 isthmus of prostate 甲状腺峡 isthmus of thyroid gland 居永氏峡 isthmus of uterus ...

the isthmus of the thyroid

isthmus是什么意思_isthmus中文意思... ... the Isthmus of Suez 苏伊士地峡 the isthmus of the thyroid 甲状腺峡 ...

thyroid isthmus

内分泌学专业词汇T-2... ... 甲状腺激素 thyroid hormone 甲状腺峡 thyroid isthmus 甲状腺淋巴瘤 thyroid lymphoma ...

isthmus glandulae thyroideae

专业词汇在线翻... ... 耳软骨峡 isthmus car 甲状腺峡 isthmus glandulae thyroideae 耳软骨峡 isthmus of cartilage of auricle ...

Isthmus gl. thyreoideæ

中英解剖学对照2 - 独联体信息港博客圈 ... 前列腺峡 Isthmus prostatæ 甲状腺峡 Isthmus gl. thyreoideæ 主动脉峡 Isthmus aort…
