
  • 网络around the world; encircle the globe; Orbiting the Earth



around the world

... 16. more than 多于; 超过 17. around the world 环绕地球 20. do sth for the first time 第一次做某事 ...

encircle the globe

翻译词典... ... frosted lamp globe 磨砂灯泡 encircle the globe 环绕地球(特指外交,战略) globe grinding head 球形磨头 ...

Orbiting the Earth

《论星体投射》ASTRAL... ... Long Distance Travel 远距离旅行 Orbiting the Earth 环绕地球 How Far Can You Go? 你能去多 …

around the earth

中考英语重点短语 - 豆丁网 ... argue with 与……争吵 around the earth 环绕地球 around the world 全世界;世界各地 ...

circle around the Earth

什么... ... Circle around the windows 围绕着窗户的一圈 circle around the Earth 环绕地球 Circle Around Jaw 两颊旋转推按法 ...

circle the earth

高一英语模块一... ... 5. soar into the sky 5. 直入云霄 6. circle the earth 6. 环绕地球 7. complete a task 7. 完成一个任务 ...

go around the Earth

高中英语 模块2复习... ... according to 按照、依照 go around the Earth 环绕地球 send up into space 把……发射升空 ...

They aim to travel the world

... 骑著单车 On their bikes 环绕地球 They aim to travel the world 收集梦想 To create a chain of dreams inspiring dreams ...
