
  • n.environmental deterioration
  • 网络environmental degradation; deterioration of environment; environment deterioration



environmental degradation

国家级精品课程 ... 濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife 环境恶化 environmental degradation 清洁能源 clean energy ...

environmental deterioration

雅思大作文话... ... 7. Be driven to extinction 灭绝 8. Environmental deterioration 环境恶化 9. Livable cities 可居住城市 ...

deterioration of environment

托福阅读:地理学词汇 - 豆丁网 ... magnetic field 磁场 63. deterioration of environment 环境恶化 64. avalanche 雪崩 65. ...

environment deterioration

玩单词5--汉译英(1-39) ... 7.难民 refugees 8.环境恶化 environment deterioration 9.毒品泛滥 drug abuse ...

Environment degradation

同等学力英语... ... Landscaping design for environmental 美化环境 Environment degradation 环境恶化 Vicious cycle 恶性循环 ...

the worsening of environment

英语词汇-林业词汇-专业词汇... ... non-forested area 无林区 the worsening of environment 环境恶化 soil erosion 土壤流失 ...

the deterioration of environment

2007英语作文... ... 能源危机 energy crisis 27. 环境恶化 the deterioration of environment 28. 携手 make joint efforts 29. ...

deteriorate the environment

英语词汇... ... clouds of dust 尘土遮天 deteriorate the environment 环境恶化 reduce soil moisture 降低土地壤保墒 ...
