
  • na.lord it over a district
  • 网络be a local despot; Lord It Over A District; wield absolute power in a part of a country,province



be a local despot

... ◎ 独奏[ solo] ◎ 独霸一方[ wield absolute power in a part of a country,province;be a local despot;dominate a place] ...

Lord It Over A District

什么意思_英语lord_it... ... lord it over stand above 高踞 Lord It Over A District 独霸一方 lord it over 对…摆架子 ...

wield absolute power in a part of a country,province

... 独奏[ solo] 独霸一方[ wield absolute power in a part of a country,province;be a local despot;dominate a place] ...

to hold as one's personal fiefdom

巨无霸汉堡包指数 in English,... ... 毒霸 chlorofos 独霸一方 to hold as one's personal fiefdom 恶霸 evil tyrant ...

to exercise sole hegemony

方 - Pin1yin1.com ... 独霸一方 独霸一方 to exercise sole hegemony 端方 端方 upright;honest;proper;correct ...

Dominant party

扑克之星独霸一方(Dominant party),现在的扑克行业,如果有300W,大家说是买奔驰好还是法拉利好呀。 从多元走向单极, …
