
  • na.A (brisk, heavy) gale is blowing.
  • 网络It was blowing an angry storm; The wind's blowing with a vengeance; blustery very windy



It was blowing an angry storm

mad 和angry的区别 -... ... It was blowing an angry storm. 狂风大作。 An infected cut looks angry. 感染的伤口看起来发炎了。 ...

The wind's blowing with a vengeance

大作文章用英语怎么说... ... The drums beat loudly. 鼓声大作。 The wind's blowing with a vengeance. 狂风大作。 ...

blustery very windy

英语中有关天气的词汇--【天天家教网】 ... blustery very windy 狂风大作 breeze a gentle pleasant wind 微风徐徐 ...

the four winds pounded

pounded是什么意思... ... the four winds pounded1. 狂风大作 he pounded the table angrily1. 他生气地猛拍桌子 ...

The wind blew fierce

'ç��é£� fierce... ... The fierce wind howled. 狂风呼啸。 The wind blew fierce. 狂风大作。 ...

The wind howled

爱博翻译有限责任公司│翻译│翻译公司│兰州翻... ... 寒风刺骨 The cold wind chilled one to the bone 狂风大作 The wind howled ...

A gust of wind

2013.05.06 新概念第二册 Lesson49... ... 5、Be proud of 以······而骄傲 6、A gust of wind 狂风大作 7、Below 比······矮的地方 ...


一触久仔,雄雄煞来乌天暗地,狂风大作(kông-hong-tāi-tsok),飞沙走石(pue-sua-tsáu-tsio̍h),雨规桶拚、落袂离。等阮驶车驶 …
