
  • 网络treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature; heat treated with warm; treatment of pseudo-heat syndrome with drugs of hot nature



treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature

... 热因热用Treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature. 血为气之母: The blood serves as the mother of Qi. ...

heat treated with warm

中医术语... ... 实则泻之 sthenia requiring purgation 热因热用 heat treated with warm 寒因寒用 cold treated with cool ...

treatment of pseudo-heat syndrome with drugs of hot nature

针灸... ... 反治法 treatment contrary to the routine 热因热用 treatment of pseudo-heat syndrome with drugs of hot nature ...

Treating heat with heat

中医英语笔记-中基 ... 热因热用 Treating heat with heat;Heat remedy used for pseudo-heat disease 肝血 Liver blood ...

use medicine of warm nature to treat pseudo-heat

专业词汇在线翻译、医学... ... 热因热用 use medicine of warm nature to treat pseudo-heat 以毒攻毒 use of poison as antidote ...

treating false-heat syndrome with hot natured drugs
