
  • 网络thermodynamic principles; law of thermodynamics; thermodynamics,principles of



thermodynamic principles

on the principle of ... thermodynamic principles 【热】热力学原理 time interval principle 时间间隔原理 ...

law of thermodynamics

物理专业词汇... ... law of similarity 相似定律 law of thermodynamics 热力学原理 law of universal gravitation 万有引力定律 ...

thermodynamics,principles of

... 热力学平衡 thermodynamic equilibrium 热力学原理 thermodynamics,principles of 温差电装置 thermoelectric device ...

Principles of Thermodynamics

清华大学 钱学森力学班 ... 课程名:计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Dynamics 课程名:热力学原理 Principles of Thermodyn

the theory of thermodynamics

热力学原理... ... ) heating power: 热力 ) the theory of thermodynamics: 热力学原理 ) thermodynamic principle: 热力学原理 ...

thermodynamie prineiples

参阅 “热学”(heat)、“统计力学”(statistieal meehanics)、 “热力学原理”(thermodynamie prineiples)各条。 4.电动力学已经得到很 …
