
  • n.smoke detector
  • 网络Smoke Detectors; The Smoke Detector; detector of smoke



smoke detector

舞台英文术语 ... safety gears 安全装备 smoke detector 烟雾探测器 dead man switch 安全按钮 ...

Smoke Detectors

自主MOS,价格平提高竞争力. ... 手持设备( PortableDevices ) 烟雾探测器( Smoke Detectors ) 笔记本电脑( NotebookPC ) ...

The Smoke Detector

CRI实用英... ... Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1 Part 3 The Smoke Detector 烟雾探测器 Part 4 A Fire in the House 房子着火了 ...

detector of smoke

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(D) ... detector lamp 检测灯 detector of smoke 烟雾探测器 detector set 检测装置矿石收音机 ...


传统的烟雾探测器,即早期预警烟雾探测器(EWSD) 和传统的点式探测器都是电离式或光电式的。电离式设计用来探测易燃液 …

Smoke and CO Detectors

... Fire Extinguishers 灭火器 61 Smoke and CO Detectors 烟雾探测器 62 Exhaust fans and range hoods 排气扇和洗碗机 63 ...

Remote Control Lamp Holder

[F86138] 伊朗求购灯座/门铃/烟雾探测器(Remote Control Lamp Holder,..) (7-3) 页码: abcdefghij klmnopq rstuv w xy z [F284545…

smoke locator

[F75199] 葡萄牙求购烟雾探测器(smoke locator) (12-10) [F44386] 印度求购烟雾探测器(SMOKE DETECTORS) (8-18) hi i am m…
