
  • na.【医】pustulation period
  • 网络filling period; Grain-filling stage; watery stage



filling period

农业 英语翻译_百度知道 ... 幼果期 young fruit period 灌浆期 filling period 苗后期 postemergence period ...

pustulation period

专业词汇在线翻... ... 脓疱性银屑病 pustular varicella 灌浆期 pustulation period 虎须疔毒 pustule near the corner of mouth ...

Grain-filling stage

灌浆... ... ) Continuous Retrograde Perfusion 持续逆灌 ) Grain-filling stage 灌浆期 ) filling period duration 灌浆持续期 ...

watery stage

什么意思_英语watery在线翻译... ... watery kumquat 而令人愉悦的金桔花 watery stage 灌浆期 watery discharge 水样分泌物 ...

Filling stage

小麦灌浆期,The filling stage... ... ) Grain-filling stage 灌浆期 ) Filling stage 灌浆期 ) Early filling stage 灌浆初期 ...
