
  • 网络drugs for dispelling internal Cold; Interior-warming medicinal materials; Interior-warming Medicinal



drugs for dispelling internal Cold

点滴给药是什么意思... ... 13. health preserving with herbs 药养 14. drugs for dispelling internal Cold 温里药 ...

Interior-warming medicinal materials

什么意思_英语interior... ... Interior-warming medicinal materials 温里药 packaging materials I interior 内包装材料 ...

Interior-warming Medicinal

Liquid Calcium +VD3 | WH Herbs Centre ... Interior-warming Medicinal--- 温里药 Qi-regulating Medicinal--- 理气药 ...

Drugs for Warming the Interior

中药学-吉林农业大学... ... 第十章 温里药 Drugs for Warming the Interior 第十一章 理气药 Drugs for Regulating flow of QI ...

Warming Interior Drugs

TCMSP... ... 安神药( Tranguilizing Medicinal) 温里药( Warming Interior Drugs) 祛风湿药( Wind Damp Dispelling Drugs) ...

Warming herb

Glossary of Chinese Herbs ... Tonifying herb 补益药 Warming herb 温里药 Regulate qi herb 理气药 ...

Herbs for warming the Interior

中医英语教学5第 3 页... ... Diuretic herbs 利水药 Herbs for warming the Interior 温里药 Herbs for regulating Qi 理气药 ...


产品类别: 中药(otc)-----泻下/固涩/温里药(otc) 批准文号: 国药准字Z20093267 卫生许可证: 生产企业: 河南华峰制药有限 …
