
  • 网络a mixed sector of the economy; economy of mixed ownership; The Mixed Ownership Economy



a mixed sector of the economy

新东方中高级... ... 黑市 black market 混合所有制经济 a mixed sector of the economy 基本经济制度 the basic economic system ...

economy of mixed ownership

... 环珠三角地区 pan-Pearl River Delta 混合所有制经济 economy of mixed ownership 火电 coal-fired power generation ...

The Mixed Ownership Economy

什么意思... ... mixed social economy 混合社会经济 The Mixed Ownership Economy 混合所有制经济 mixed-economy 混合经济 ...

The economic sector of mixed ownership

南京审计学院外语系—... ... 混合所有制经济 The economic sector of mixed ownership “十一五”规划 The Eleventh Five-Year Pla…

mixed ownership economy

衡工量值;合乎经济原则;合乎经... ... ) mixed ownership economy 混合所有制经济 ) Economy of Mixed Ownership 混合所有制 …
