
  • 网络deep foundation; bridge engineering; Deep excavation



deep foundation

foundation pit engineering_翻译 ... 箱形基础: foundation 深基坑deep foundation 浅基础: Shallow Foundation ...

bridge engineering

cablestay bridge_翻译 ... 高架桥: Viaduct Bridge 深基坑bridge engineering 转矩: full bridge converter ...

Deep excavation

Roadbed consisting of fill and the... ... 岩盐路基: rock-salt roadbed 深基坑deep excavation 发展: After Liberation. ...

Deep Foundation Excavation

什么意... ... deep foundation pit engineering 深基坑工程 Deep Foundation Excavation 深基坑 deep soft foundation 深厚软基 ...

Deep Foundation Ditch

深基坑支护方案,brace of deep foundation... ... ) Deep excavation 深基坑 ) Deep Foundation Ditch 深基坑 ...
