
  • 网络sea floor spreading theory; ocean floor spreading theory; spreading concept



sea floor spreading theory

地质专业词汇英语翻译(Q-Z) ... sea floor deposit 海底矿床 sea floor spreading theory 海底扩张说 sea gravimeter 海重力仪 ...

ocean floor spreading theory

化学及化工英语翻译中文词汇 -... ... occupational disease 职业病 ocean floor spreading theory 海底扩张说 ocher 舣 ...

spreading concept

石油英语词汇-... ... spreading coefficient 流散系数;扩展系数 spreading concept 海底扩张说 spreading edge 扩张边缘 ...

spreading-floor hypothesis

石油英语词汇(S5)--石油百科 ... spreading 扩展 spreading-floor hypothesis 海底扩张说 spreads 排列长度 ...

Sea floor spreading

(二)海底扩张说sea floor spreading) 自第二次世界大战以来,对洋底大规模的考察中发现,洋底岩石的年龄相当年轻,洋 …

theory of sea floor spreading

地质名词... ... 地壳运动 crustal movement 海底扩张说 theory of sea floor spreading 大陆漂移说 theory of continental drift ...

Harbour said expansion

文章翻译:板块的构造... ... 深海勘测方面的证据: Deep-sea investigation of the evidence 海底扩张说Harbour said expansio
