
  • un.medium [means] of circulation
  • 网络means of circulation; medium of circulation; Medium of Exchange



means of circulation

by no... ... means of acquisition 营利手段 means of circulation 流通手段 means of classification 分类方法 ...

medium of circulation

4 ... 4 流水作业线;装配线 assembly-line 2 流通手段 medium of circulation 5 流行的 up to date ...

Medium of Exchange

...职能 价值尺度(Unit of Account) 流通手段(Medium of Exchange) 贮藏手段(Store of Value) 支付手段(Repayment of Debt) 世 …

Circulation Methods

8、流通手段 ( Circulation Methods) ——当货币在商品交换中起媒介作用时,就是流通手段。9、 货币贮藏 ( Money Storage)…

means of negotiation

国际结算考试_百度文库 ... 普通支票 16、 票据功能: 流通手段 means of negotiation、 (出口商、卖方、出票人 drawer、 ...

means of circulaytion

...商品流通中,起媒介作用的货币,被称为交易 媒介,或流通手段means of circulaytion)  这一职能是作为克服物物交换 …
