
  • na.All people are equal before the law.
  • 网络equality before the law; Everyone is equal before the law; Equal justice under Law



equality before the law

平等_百度百科 ... 待遇平等( Equality of treatment) 法律面前人人平等Equality before the law) 废止岐视( Desegregation…

Everyone is equal before the law

常用法律条... ... 14. Everyone is equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等。 15. First in time,first in right. 先在权利优先。 ...

Equal justice under Law

柱式门廊的三角屋顶k铭刻着“法律面前人人平等 ”(Equal justice under Law) 一行大字。最高法院开庭时,国会大厦和最高法院 …

All are equal before the law

F是Fuckoff的F ... 【法律漏洞】 legal loophole 【法律面前人人平等All are equal before the law 【法制观念】 legal awarene…

All people are equal before the law

翻译硕士经典素材... ... 发标 bid;tender 法律面前人人平等 All are equal before the law;All people are equal before the law ...

Everybody is equal before the law

人人平等... ... 上帝眼中,人人平等。 All men are equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等Everybody is equal before the law. ...

Law is no respecter of persons

Chris TAO(陶亦芳) - Chris TAO - 网易博客 ... 法律面前,人人平等Law is no respecter of persons. 风雨无阻 in all weathe…

Everyone is subject to the rule of law

品牌口语... ... 1. Everyone is subject to the rule of law. 法律面前,人人平等。 2. I'm dumbfounded. 靠,我倒。 ...
