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therapeutic principle

therapeutic中文 ... 积极治疗原发病 Cure the Primary Disease ... 治则 therapeutic principle 治法 therapeutic method ...

Treatment principle

治则的英语 therapeutic... ... ) therapeutic principle: 治则 ) treatment principle: 治则 ) therapeutic principles: 治则 ...

Therapeutic Principles

第一节 治则Therapeutic Principles)..........95一、预防为主 95 二、治病求本 95三、正治反治 96 四、标本缓急 96五、扶正 …

principle of treatment

05.治疗学 ... 鳝血疗法 eel-blood therapy 治则 principle of treatment 治病求本 treatment aiming at its root causes ...

Treatment principles

分享心得 |... ... ⑧温阳 warming yang 治则Treatment principles 穴位加减: point modificaiton ...

Principles and methods of treatment

香港大学专业进修学院 -... ... Etiology and Pathogenesis( 病因病机) Principles and methods of treatment治则) ...

principles of treatment

... 14. principles of credit 信贷原则 15. principles of treatment 治则 16. state budgeting principles 国家预算编制原则 ...
