
  • n.oil-water separator
  • 网络oily water separator; oil and water separator; oil water seperator



oil-water separator

机械英语词汇(总) - 豆丁网 ... 悬挂运输链 overhead conveyer 油水分离器 oil-water separator 油漆调制罐 paint mixing tank ...

oily water separator

造船英语 - 豆丁网 ... Incinerator 焚烧炉 Oily water separator 油水分离器 Sewage treat plant 生活污水处理器 ...

oil and water separator

汽车词典之制动系相关英语(一)-行业知识-亿配网 ... 滤网(芯) strainer 油水分离器 oil and water separator 防冻器 aiti-freez…

oil water seperator

深圳展鹏工贸网站 ... oil water separator 油水分离器 oil water seperator 油水分离器 oilway 油路 ...

oil separator

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(O) ... oil separator 油分离器 oil separator 油水分离器 oil servomotor 油伺服马达 ...


中国寰球化学工程常用词汇 - MBA智库文档 ... 油分离器 oil separator 油水分离器 decanter 沉淀器 settler 13.3 ...

water and oil separator

... water and land transportation 水陆联运 water and oil separator 油水分离器 water and oil tank scale 水油舱计算表 ...

oil and water trap

vocabulary 关于学习... ... off-street test site 街道以外的测试地点 oil and water trap 油水分离器 oil barge 油趸 ...
