
  • un.expropriation
  • 网络confiscation of property; forfeiture of property; property forfeited



confiscation of property

法律词汇... ... 没收 Forfeit,confiscate 没收财产 confiscation of property 没有配偶的男女 men and women without spouses ...

forfeiture of property

...期徒刑(life imprisonment))- 没收财产(forfeiture of property) - 罚款;罚金(fine) - 鞭笞(caning)

property forfeited

英文合... ... a fine imposed on: 判处罚金 property forfeited没收财产 a civil compensation assumed by: 承担民事赔偿责任 ...

Forfeit asset

反垄断法英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Forestalling 买断 Forfeit asset 没收财产 Forward integration 下游合并(与客户的合并) ...

seize your assets

New words summary _Rainbow... ... no more refill 没有存货了 seize your assets 没收财产 shacking 嘿咻 ...

their property forfeited

... ★ a fine imposed 判处罚金 ★ their property forfeited 没收财产 ★ a civil compensation assumed 承担民事赔偿责任 ...
