
  • 网络Not Found; None; Nothing found



Not Found

AJAX小结(ajax) ... 4 = complete( 完成) 404 = Not Found没发现) 200 = OK( 成功) ...


Bukit... ... 只需约10分钟。 About 10 mins. 没发现None. 普通轿车可抵达。 Normal sedan car can reach the carpark easily. ...

Nothing found

Terong Fall -... ... 轻松步行。 Easy walking. 没发现Nothing found. 普通轿车可轻易抵达。 Easy access by normal car . ...

No leech found

Tekala Fall - 蜗牛寻瀑迹 Snail-WORKS in... ... 步行少过15分钟。 Less than 15 mins walking. 没发现No leech found. ...

Perianal swab

检体采集手册 ... Stool routine 粪便 Perianal swab 没发现 Occult blood 阴性 ...

None of leech found

Sungai... ... 轻松步行。 Easy walking. 没发现None of leech found. 普通轿车可容易前往。 Easy access by normal sedan. ...

None of leeches found during the trip

Semelian... ... 步行少过5分钟。 Trekking less than 5 minutes. 没发现None of leeches found during the trip. 地点 Location ...

None of leech found during visit in dry condition
