
  • 网络sand and dust weather; sandstorm; spring sandstorms



sand and dust weather

极端天气词汇-英语点津 ... visibility 能见度 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 forestation 植树造林 ...


近年北京的天气状况不太好,还出现几次沙尘天气sandstorm)。但我们正通过植树等项措施改善天气状况,相信北京天气状 …

spring sandstorms

China | Chinese Dictionary ... 中远集团 COSCO 沙尘天气 spring sandstorms 金砖四国 Brazil,Russia,India and China ...

sandy and dusty weather

双语加油站之时代新语... ... →过度木材采伐 excessive lumbering ●沙尘天气 sandy and dusty weather ●沙尘暴 sandstorm ...

dust events

句子翻译_专业词汇在线翻译 ... dynamical system 动力系统 dust events 沙尘天气 dust from flash smelting furnace 闪速炉烟尘 ...

dust storm

沙尘天气,Dust... ... ) Dusty weather 沙尘天气 ) dust storm 沙尘天气 ) dust event 沙尘天气 ...

Dusty weather

沙尘天气,Dust... ... ) sand-dust weather 沙尘天气 ) Dusty weather 沙尘天气 ) dust storm 沙尘天气 ...

sand-dust weather

扬沙天气,blowing... ... ) Dusty weather 沙尘天气 ) sand-dust weather 沙尘天气 ) sand-wind weather 风沙天气 ...
