
  • n.prevention and control of pollution
  • 网络pollution prevention; pollution control; Pollution Control and Prevention



pollution prevention

农业词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... polluted water 污染水 pollution prevention 污染防治 polocyte 极体 ...

pollution control

机械词汇的英语翻译(O-T) ... pollution 污染 pollution control 污染防治 polyethylene 聚乙烯 ...

prevention and control of pollution

防污染套,c... ... ) dirt proof sleeve 防污套 ) prevention and control of pollution 污染防治 ) contamination boot 防污染套 ...

Pollution Control and Prevention

关于“第五届水资源与环境国际大会”... ... 污染防治Pollution Control and Prevention) 可持续发展( Sustainable Developme…

contamination control

... contamination boot 防污染[鞋]套 contamination control 污染控制,污染防治 contamination control station 污染控制站 ...

Pollution Management

污染防治Pollution Management):直接用於污染防制或清洁环境的设备。 2. 清洁技术及产品(Cleaner Technologies and P…

Prevention of Pollution

... #污染防治 Prevention of Pollution 天然林保护 Protection of Forest ...


1996 年,欧盟在综合污染防治IPPC)指令96/61/CE 中提出了建立污染防治最佳可行技术(BAT)的要求,并由欧盟委员会 …
