
  • 网络The land is so rich in beauty; This land so rich in beauty; The scenery is so lovely



The land is so rich in beauty

娇嗔用英语怎么说?娇嗔的英文怎么写?-第一英语 ... To pamper or pet. 娇宠;爱抚 The land is so rich in beauty. 江山如此多娇

This land so rich in beauty

... Grows more enchanting. 分外妖娆 This land so rich in beauty 江山如此多娇 Were lacking in literary grace, 略输文采 ...

The scenery is so lovely

江山的英文翻译,江山... ... 他拥有这家公司的半壁江山。 He owns half of the company. 江山如此多娇The scenery is so lov

Geography and Scenery

中学生英语900句_百度百科 ... Chapter 20 News( 新闻每天发生) Chapter 21 Geography and Scenery( 江山如此多娇) ...

What a great world

色刀三 - POCO空间 ... 江山如此多娇 What a great world 风景处处都好 Beautiful sceneries everywhere. ...

Our country is so beautiful

薄熙来率团赴云南考察... ... 分外妖娆。 Presenting a charming sight. 江山如此多娇Our country is so beautiful, ...

This land is so rich in beauty

... 4, 冷眼向洋看世界! Cold-eyed I survey the world beyond the seas. 5,江山如此多娇This land is so rich in beauty. ...
