
  • na.【生】pore of a sweat gland
  • 网络sweat pore; pore of sweat duct; pore of a sweat duct



sweat pore

生物科学词汇(简体) ... sweat gland 汗腺 sweat pore 汗孔 sweep net 扫网 ;拖地拉网 ...

pore of sweat duct

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 孔效应 pore effect 汗孔 pore of sweat duct 孔学说 pore theory ...

pore of a sweat gland

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 汗孔 pore of a sweat duct 汗孔 pore of a sweat gland 茯神 poria with hostwood ...

pore of a sweat duct

专业词汇在线翻译、医... ... 普及医学知识 popularize medical knowledge 汗孔 pore of a sweat duct 汗孔 pore of a sweat gland ...


MeSH主题词 角化病, 汗孔(Porokeratosis) 遗传方式(Inheritance Patterns) 遗传(Heredity) 人(Persons) 性(Sex) 染色体图(Chrom…


阿拉伯语手册(2) - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 皮肤 skin 汗孔 pores 肉体 人体 flesh ...

Porus sudorifer

中英解剖学对照2 -... ... 长突 * Processus longus 汗孔 * Porus sudorifer 咽咽鼓管咽皱襞 * Plica pharyngotubalis ...
