
  • 网络Chinese Language and Literature; Chinese Language & Literature; Chinese Literature



Chinese Language and Literature

Renmin Unniversity of China ... 外交学 Diplomacy 汉语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature 汉语言 Chinese Language ...

Chinese Language & Literature

河南理工大学教务处_百度百科 ... 艺术设计 Artistic Designing 汉语言文学 Chinese Language & Literature 广告学 Advertising ...

Chinese Literature

请帮我翻译一下_百度知道 ... 广播电视新闻学 Film and Media 汉语言文学 Chinese Literature 新闻学 Journalism ...

Chinese Philology

... Feedwater and drainage Engineering 给水排水工程 Chinese Philology 汉语言文学 Administration Management 行政管理 ...

Chinese Linguistics & Literature

无锡江南大学国... ... 人文学院 School of Humanities 汉语言文学 Chinese Linguistics & Literature 舞蹈编导 Dancing Director ...

Chinese Linguistic Literature

... Bioengineering 生物工程 Chinese Linguistic Literature 汉语言文学 Ideological & Political Education 思想政治教育 ...

Literature of Chinese Language

国际交流学院 ... ●汉语言文学 Literature of Chinese Language ●常用汉语速成 Usual Chinese crash course ...

Literature of Chinese

翻译几个东东?_爱问知识人 ... 中文秘书 Chinese secretary 汉语言文学 Literature of Chinese 专业 Speciality or major ...
