
  • n.evaporation from water surface
  • 网络water surface evaporation; evaporation of water surface; evaporation from water surfaces



water surface evaporation

关于地理方面的英语单词_百度知道 ... 水力学( hydraulics) 水面蒸发water surface evaporation) 水能( hydropower) ...

evaporation from water surface

地理专业词汇英语翻译(D-F) ... evaporation fog 蒸发雾 evaporation from water surface 水面蒸发 evaporation loss 蒸发损失 ...

evaporation of water surface

英语专业名词 -... ... 陆面蒸发 evaporation of land 水面蒸发 evaporation of water surface 土壤蒸发 evaporation from soil ...

evaporation from water surfaces

水面蒸发evaporation from water surfaces ) 水面不断向大气蒸发水分的过程。由于在同时间内从水面逸出的分子数大于从 …

Evaporation from water

(单位: mm/day, mm/min) 1. 水面蒸发(Evaporation from water) 蒸发量:某个时段内单位面积蒸发的水量。 (单位: cm 3 /cm 2 =…
