
  • 网络Water Pollution Control Act; water pollution prevention and control law; Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution



Water Pollution Control Act

法律英语词汇W-1|... ... 保单,担保 保单,担保 warranty 水污染防治法 Water Pollution Control Act 水利法 Water Resource Act ...

water pollution prevention and control law

污染防治_CNKI学问 ... 水污染防治法 water pollution prevention and control law 大气污染防治 air pollution control ...

Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

中国法律... ... 环境保护法 Environmental Protection Law 水污染防治法 Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution ...

Water Pollution Prevention Law

构建以人为本的环境与健... ... 和《水质污浊防止法》 Water 即使在中国已经颁布了《水污染防治法Water Pollution Preventio

Water Pollution Protection Act

Yilan county police bureau -... ... 农药管理法 Pesticide Management Act 水污染防治法 Water Pollution Protection Act ...

the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law

99.&nb... ... the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law 水污染防治法 the western development strategy 西部大开发战略 ...

Water pollution control measures

Law of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

新《水污染防治... ... ) Law of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution 水污染防治法 ) water pollution control 水污染防治 ...
