
  • 网络air pocket; collapse of Qi; qi collapse



air pocket

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... air pillow 空气枕 air pocket 气陷 air pollution 空气污染 ...

collapse of Qi

针灸英语 - zcm6358的日志 - 网易博客 ... 气逆 reversed flow of Qi 气陷 collapse of Qi 气闭 blockage of Qi ...

qi collapse

中医术语(英词汇)_世纪凯若翻译_天涯博客 ... 气逆 qi adverseness 气陷 qi collapse 上气不足 qi failing to transport upward ...

qi fall

terminology of TCM issued&n... ... qi counterflow 气逆 qi fall 气陷 qi stagnation 气滞 ...

sinking of qi

中医术语(英词汇)_世纪凯若翻译_天涯博客 ... 81 气逆 qi counterflow 82 气陷 sinking of qi 85 内风 internal wind ...

Qi sinking

中医英语笔记-中基 ... 气滞 Qi stagnation 气陷 Qi sinking 气闭 Qi blockage;Qi obstruction ...

the sinking of qi

专业词汇... ... 卫营同病 the simultaneous presence of wei and ying 气陷 the sinking of qi 骨折处 the site of the fracture ...

gas dent

5-3-4 气陷(gas dent)和麻点(pock mark)5-4 夹杂(Inclusion)5-4-1 金属夹杂物(metallic inclusion)5-4-2 非金属夹杂物(nonmetallic ...
