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stagnation of qi and blood

中医常用词汇英文翻译01,中医英语经络穴位图翻译 ... 气血凝滞 stagnation of qi and blood 经期延长 prolonged menstruation ...


::TradiMed:: ... Threatened abortion( 胎漏) Thrombosis( 气血凝滞) Thrombosis,Blood stasis( 瘀血) ...

qi and blood stagnation

stagnation... ... pulmonosplenic stagnation [医]肺脾郁 qi and blood stagnation [医]气血凝滞 qi stagnation [医]气结 ...

stagnation of qi and the blood

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 气滞血瘀 stagnation of qi and blood stasis 气血凝滞 stagnation of qi and the blood ...

stagnation de l'énergie et du sang

中医词汇与表达 1... ... 气血凝滞 stagnation de l'énergie et du sang 气血失调 désharmonie entre l'énergie et le sang ...

stagnation of vital energy and blood

stagnation-英汉词典... ... stagnation of vital energy [医]气郁,气滞 stagnation of vital energy and blood [医]气血凝滞 ...
