
  • 网络Cylinder Diameter; cylinder bore; diameter of cylinder



Cylinder Diameter

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C64) ... cylinder cup 空气瓶保险帽 cylinder diameter 气缸直径 cylinder diameter 汽缸直径 ...

cylinder bore

船舶电气英语_百度文库 ... cylinder jacket 气缸体 cylinder bore 气缸直径 crosshead 十字头 ...

diameter of cylinder

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(D) ... diameter of bore 内孔直径 diameter of cylinder 气缸直径 diameter of cylinder 汽缸直径 ...

cylinder-bore diameter

汽车配件英语速查... ... cylinder block (气)缸体 cylinder-bore diameter 气缸直径,缸径 cylinder-bore ellipticity 气缸椭圆度 ...

Diameter of

GP4533型高压无气喷涂机... ... 整机重量 Weight of the whole 气缸直径 Diameter of 外形尺寸(长×宽×高) Dimension ...

Air cylinder diameter

混炼机-供应75L加压式密炼机... ... 机型 Model 气缸直径 Air Cylinder Diameter 集尘装置电机 Dust Collector ...

Diameter of cylinders

京友凿岩机-京友风动机械厂... ... Weight 机重 Diameter of cylinders 气缸直径 Lengt of piston structure 活塞行程 ...
