
  • 网络Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow; Dual-Phrase Distribution of Gas & Solid; Gas solids two-phase flow



Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow

固... ... ) solid-gas two phase 固-气两相流 ) Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow 气固两相流 ) gas-solid flow 气固两相流 ...

Dual-Phrase Distribution of Gas & Solid

中国大学课程翻译大全 2/2 -... ... 气阀原理 Principles of Air Valves 气固两相流 Dual-Phrase Distribution of Gas & Solid ...

Gas solids two-phase flow

solids... ... 固体停留时间: solids retention time 气固两相流Gas solids two-phase flow 可溶性固形物: soluble solids ...

gas-particle two-phase flow

固... ... ) gas-solid two-phase flow 气固两相流 ) gas-particle two-phase flow 气固两相流 ) gas-solid flow 气-固两相流 ...

Two-phase flow of gas-solid

... 密相气固两相流: dense solid-gas flow 气固两相流Two-phase flow of gas-solid 气固两相流动: Gas-solid two-phase flo…
