
  • 网络qi serves as the commander of the blood; Qi is the commander of the blood; qi being commander of blood



qi serves as the commander of the blood

中医常用词汇英文翻译01,中医英语经... ... 月经不调 irregular menstruation 气为血帅 qi serves as the commander of the blood ...

Qi is the commander of the blood

中医药翻译基础词汇... ... 气化⑴ The transformative action of qi 气为血帅Qi is the commander of the blood ...

qi being commander of blood

03.中医基础理论 ... 智 wisdom 气为血帅 qi being commander of blood 血为气母 blood being mother of qi ...

qi as commander of blood

中医术语_世纪凯若翻译... ... 44 精气 essential qi 46 气为血帅 qi as commander of blood 47 经络 channels and collaterals ...

qi as the commander of blood

commander是什么意思... ... commander ship 指挥舰 qi as the commander of blood 气为血帅 remote commander 遥控指挥系 …

qi as the commander of the blood

专业词汇在线翻... ... 眼部气血 qi and the blood of the eye region 气为血帅 qi as the commander of the blood 气血 qi blood ...

the vital energy as the commander ofthe blood

... 气 the vital energy 气为血帅 the vital energy as the commander ofthe blood 人气 the vital energy of the human body ...

qi being the commander of blood

专业词汇在线翻译... ... 气为血帅 qi as the commander of blood 气为血帅 qi being the commander of blood 气虚 qi deficiency ...
