
  • un.problem of nationality
  • 网络national question; ethnic problem; the ethnic minority issue



national question

  5. “民族问题(national question)指民族从形成发展直到消亡之前的各个历史阶段,不同民族和民族集团间在社会生活的各个领域 …

ethnic problem

ethnic relation_翻译 ... 少数民族: ethnic minority 民族问题ethnic problem 民族政策: ethnic policy ...

the ethnic minority issue

有中国特色... ... 牛市/熊市 a bull/bear market 民族问题 the ethnic minority issue 母公司/子公司/分公司/办事处 the parent ...

national issue

National revival_翻译 ... 语文教学模式: National 民族问题national issue 民族自决: National Self-determination ...

ethnic problems

ethnic relation_翻译 ... 少数民族: ethnic groups 民族问题ethnic problems 民族工作: ethnic work ...

The National Question

麻省理工学院“开放式课程网页” |政治学 |... ... 民族问题 The National Question 阅读资料 Readings ...

national problem

贱民问题,scheduled... ... ) scheduled caste 贱民问题 ) national problem 民族问题 ) Peasant problem 农民问题 ...

ethnic question

ethnic relation_翻译 ... 哈萨克族: Kazakh ethnic 民族问题ethnic question 少数民族: ethnic groups ...
