
  • n.ratio of specific heat
  • 网络specific heat ratio; ratio of specific heat capacities; ratio of specific heats



ratio of specific heat

暖通空调系统设计手册 -广州空气净化工程公司 ... ratio of slope 坡度 ratio of specific heat 比热比 raw coal 原煤 ...

specific heat ratio

ratio的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... solid-to-liquid ratio 固液比 specific heat ratio 比热比, 绝热指数 speed ratio 速比 ...

ratio of specific heat capacities

capaci... ... rated valve capacity 阀额定容量 ratio of specific heat capacities 比热比 reduced capacity trim 低容量阀内件 ...

ratio of specific heats

工程流体力学词汇英汉对照 ... radial velocity 经向速度 ratio of specific heats 比热比 real fluid 粘性流体 ...

ratio of the specific heat capacity

水利水电通用量和单位 SL2.2-98 ... 比热[容]比 ratio of the specific heat capacity 比热容 specific heat capacity ...

ratio of the specific heat capacities

机械专业英语... ... ratio of the specific heat capacities 比热[容]比 ratio of transformation 变压比,变换比,变换系数,变比 ...
